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Safety and First Aid Tips for Dog Owners

Dog Grooming

Being a responsible dog owner involves staying on top of all aspects of pet care. This includes your pet’s physical health, dog grooming, obedience training, exercise, and more. When your dog is well taken care of, you will enjoy time spent together and help them live the fullest life possible.

While regular trips for dog grooming and vet care are important to support your dog’s health, so too is keeping your pet safe and being ready to help your pet if something should go wrong:

  • Reduce Dangers at Home: Prevention is key to avoiding some types of dangerous scenarios for your dog. Be mindful of items in your home that may not be safe for your furry friend. This may include items that can cause injuries, choking, or accidental poisoning. Please review this list of household products that are harmful to pets.
  • Wellness Care: Regular visits to the vet and your dog groomer will help you take care of your dog’s well-being. Missed dog grooming appointments can result in matting, overgrown nails, or skin irritations. Over time, these issues can lead to more serious concerns that may require veterinary intervention.
  • Stock a First Aid Kit: You can buy a pre-made pet first aid kit, but if you’re looking to build your own, common materials for these include gauze pads, adhesive tape, cotton balls/swabs, an ice pack, disposable gloves, blunt-end scissors, and tweezers. The care items your dog needs may differ from what we need as humans. Be sure to have a first aid kit for your pet stocked and easy to access. If you already have a kit, be sure to ensure it is up to date with what your dog needs. It is also important to know how to use the items in your kit so that you can quickly help your pet in the event of an emergency. You can ask your vet for official literature on how to best use your kit.
  • In Case of Injury: Keep your dog warm and prevent them from moving as much as possible. Call your vet and let them know what has happened so they are ready for you when you arrive with your dog. A pet carrier is a good option for safely transporting a smaller dog. For a larger dog, a homemade stretcher may work best. In both cases, we recommend you ask your vet first about how they suggest moving your dog. They may have more specific instructions depending on the nature of the injury. You may also want to get help when moving your dog so you can keep your pet steady and stable as you move them.

Support Your Dog’s Health with Pet Grooming Near You 

Our team at Smoochie Pooch recognizes the many factors that contribute to your dog’s health and well-being. We also recognize that you want the best care for your pet. That is why you can rely on us for trusted, quality care when it comes to dog grooming near you for your furry friend. We also offer skin therapy treatments and other a la carte services.

Connect with us to learn more or to make an appointment.