Pet treatment Indiana

Dog Skin Treatment

Certified Pet Aesthetician San Bernard USA

Spa Therapies

Smoochie Pooch pet stylists undergo rigorous training to become Iv San Bernard Certified Pet Aestheticians through the Certified Pet Aesthetician Program with Iv San Bernard USA.

We use the finest pet shampoos and conditioners. The products we use are all focused on skin and coat conditions and resolving issues your pet may be experiencing.

About Iv San Bernard:

ISB produces an array of products designed for various coat types and proper skin management with all products based on natural ingredients. Special attention to the skin, hair and health of the animals through proper product use, selection, technical support and training are ISB’s core attributes.

ISB professional expertise allows us to provide solutions to all skin and coat issues.

Dog rash treatment Indiana

Free Client Consultations

New client consultations are always free at Smoochie Pooch!

Is there a dog in your life that has chronic “allergies”—dry, itchy, flaky, crusty or inflamed skin? Has medical treatment by a vet been expensive and ineffective so far?

Upon check-in, we thoroughly review what we can or cannot do for your pet on that day.

We’ll discuss treatment and spa therapy options that fit your pet’s individual skin concerns and issues. Your pet’s care isn’t limited to the time they spend in the salon, so we take pride in coaching pet owners on proper care and maintenance they can perform at home in between professional grooming appointments.

Dry flaky skin on dogs treatment
Hydro Massage Ozone Spa

Hydro-Massage Ozone Spa

Smoochie Pooch is pleased to announce that we now offer state-of-the-art Hydro-Massage Ozone Spa skin therapies for pets. This technologically advanced pet skin therapy is more than just oxygenated bubbles but an actual skin therapy machine that generates ozone to treat skin conditions traditional micro-bubblers cannot. 

What is Ozone?

Ozone (O3) is the oxygen molecule (O2) with an additional oxygen atom. Ozone occurs naturally when ultra-violet rays from the sun react with the oxygen molecules (O2) in the Earth’s upper atmosphere (making the protective ozone layer) or through an electrical discharge, such as lightening. It can also be created artificially with an ozone generator. Ozone is a powerful and rapid acting oxidant and will breakdown bacteria, mold and yeast spores, organic material and viruses. Additionally, it is a very powerful non-chemical disinfectant. In Europe, ozone is used for many purposes: color removal, taste and odor removal, turbidity reduction, organics removal, micro flocculation, iron and manganese oxidation, and most commonly, bacterial disinfection and viral inactivation. Iv San Bernard has researched, tested and developed a SAFE ozone delivery system for pets.

Skin Treatments: Before & After

Severe Allergies

Treatment: Standard Skin Therapy Treatments, Daily Triple Oil Application

Blizzard had extremely bad skin allergies, a lifelong issue for her. She came in twice a week for 6 weeks and received our Standard Skin Therapy Treatments, as well as daily Triple Oil Application at home. She still has clear skin, but is not doing any follow-up care as of now.

Infected Flews / Yeast Problems

Treatment: Traditional Skin Therapy treatments

Tag had infected flews (under the mouth near his lips) and yeast problems. He received our Traditional Skin Therapy treatments for 6 weeks and has not had a problem since, although is still getting weekly baths to maintain healthy skin.


Treatment: Hydration Hair Restoration Treatment

After experiencing progressive hair loss, Cigo’s veterinarian diagnosed him with Alopecia. Cigo came to us for his first therapy with sores, grey skin and covered in dandruff. After just the first visit, the dandruff was gone and sores were healing. Stay tuned for more updates!