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Pet Costumes and Safety Tips for Halloween

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The Halloween holiday has been acknowledged on October 31st for over 2000 years. The celebrations for this spooky day have evolved over the many centuries, and now humans are involving their furry friends in the scary fun. Pet costumes have grown in popularity over the years, and many pets join in on the trick-or-treating. However, not all cats and dogs enjoy Halloween.

This blog covers how to pick the best Halloween costume for your pet, ways to help a pet if they are stressed out and how to keep them safe this Halloween. 

cat or dog Halloween costumes, how to pick the best Halloween costume for your pet, pet grooming near me

Halloween Costumes for Pets 

Halloween and dressing up in costume are strongly connected together. Halloween costumes have been a long-standing tradition, and pet owners have begun including their cats and dogs in this fun practice. Read here to learn the history of dressing pets up for this spooky holiday. 

cat halloween costumes


How to Choose the Best Halloween Costume for Your Pet 

The first step in choosing the best halloween costume for your cat or dog is to determine if they would tolerate wearing one. Some pets feel uncomfortable wearing clothing and try to tear it off of themselves. Do not force your furry friend to dress up if they do not want to wear a costume. 

dog halloween costumes

For those cats and dogs that allow clothing, seek out costumes made of soft, breathable fabric. This type of material does not cause irritation and allows the animal to stay cool. Choose an outfit that does not restrict the pet’s movement and is easy to put on and off. 

Purchase a costume that fits your pet’s body size and height. Do not get one that is too small. The cat or dog may overheat or have trouble breathing. An outfit that is too big may drag on the ground and make the pet trip. Only use non-toxic paint that is vegetable based. Make sure any dyes you use are also pet-friendly. 

halloween costumes for cats

Cute Pet Halloween Costume Ideas 

A classic and easy costume for pets is a ghost. Go to the store, purchase a white bed sheet and cut holes for the eyes and nose. Trim the bottom if the sheet is too long.

Bring back the craze of the 90’s by transforming your cat or dog into a Beanie Baby. Buy poster board, felt or cardboard from a craft store. Cut the material into the shape of a heart and paint the “TY”. Attach the homemade tag to the pet’s collar. 

dog as ty beanie baby for halloween costume

Buy multiple loofahs or tulle of the same color to create a plethora of different pet Halloween costumes. Some options of costume ideas are ballerina, cotton candy and shower loofah. Purchase multiple colors and the pet can become a beautiful, fluffy rainbow. 

Other popular and cute pet halloween costume ideas are pumpkins, bats, prisoners, cowboys or teddy bears. Spider costumes are popular with small black dogs as they actually really look like a large arachnid. Owners of dachshunds often purchase hot dog costumes for their weiner dogs. Large yellow dogs only need a furry headpiece to turn into a ferocious lion. White wings transform a cat into a little angel. Many pet stores and online businesses offer a vast array of options.

easy costume ideas for pets, dog grooming near me

Creative Grooming

This form of grooming enhances a pet’s physical appearance. A groomer uses safe coloring, bows, rhinestones and different styles of cuts to transform an animal’s coat. Perfect for a particular “costume” look! Check your local salon for creative grooming availability.  

creative grooming for Halloween, creative grooming near me
creative grooming for cats

How to get Through Halloween with a Stressed-Out Pet 

Not all pets enjoy dressing up and celebrating Halloween. The constant ringing of the door bell can stress out a cat or dog, especially when ghouls and goblins are on the other side of the door. Before the spooky night begins, take your pet out for a walk or bathroom break ahead of the designated trick-or-treat time for your neighborhood. Once back at the house, put your stressed pet in their own separate safe room during the evening. 

Play classical music to drown out the noise at the front door and keep them entertained with their favorite chews and toys. Other options to help are CBD oil, thunder shirts and hormone diffusers. If your pet has very high anxiety, leave a bowl of candy outside the door and a sign asking trick-or-treaters to not ring the doorbell. To learn more ways of helping a stressed-out dog or cat read this blog

Halloween Safety Tips 

Halloween can be a scary time for multiple reasons. Make sure the safety of your pet isn’t one of them.

Halloween Candy and Pets 

Candy is not safe for cats or dogs to consume. Sweet treats may contain dangerous ingredients that could cause severe harm to a pet. Raisins can cause kidney failure in animals. Chocolate is a toxin to pets, and consumption may result in the cat or dog experiencing a seizure, coma or diarrhea. Even candy wrappers can cause health issues by creating blockage in the animal’s digestive tract after the wrapper is swallowed. 

Keep all candy away from your pets. Do not allow children to dump their halloween treasure on the floor. Clear a kitchen or dining room table and encourage the children to only put their candy in that designated location. Remind them to always throw away their candy wrappers. Do not leave the candy bowl unattended. Keep the pets out of the room where the candy bowl resides. If that is not possible, stash the container in a cabinet or a closet when it is not in use. 

pets and Halloween candy, how to keep pets safe from Halloween candy, dog nail trimming near me

Taking a Dog Trick-or-Treating 

Many dogs enjoy the excitement of Halloween and like to take their pets trick-or-treating. It can get dark before the festivities end, so adding a light-up leash and collar to your pet is a good idea. This way, cars can easily spot a dog on the street or in a driveway. Adults and children with fears of dogs will also thank you. The advanced heads up allows the adult or child to keep a comfortable distance from your pet. 

light up leash and collar for dog, how to take a dog trick-or-treating, pet salon near me

Halloween Decor and Pets 

Cats and dogs are curious creatures. They love to check out the new items their human is putting up through the home. However, these items may contain dangerous toxins, be a choking hazard, frighten the pet or be a fire hazard. Consider avoiding decor items with tiny pieces, real candles or loud noises.  

candles can be a fire hazard around pets, halloween decor and pets, dog salon near me

Safe and Fun Halloween for Your Pet 

Some pets enjoy Halloween, while others can’t wait for it to be over. Either way a pet owner should create the best Halloween for their particular pet. Never force your pet to participate in the spooky celebrations if they do not enjoy certain aspects of the holiday. Keep all pets safe with good safety precautions against candy, cars and Halloween decor.