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What to Do If You Find a Tick on Your Pet

“I found a tick on my dog, now what?” This is a common phrase uttered by Indiana pet owners. Ticks can be a bother to both dogs and cats. They are most commonly found around the face, neck, ears, feet, and legs of your pet. However, they can attach to just about anywhere on your dog or cat’s body.

Many people assume ticks are only a concern during certain seasons. The reality is that under the right circumstances, ticks can still be present during the colder winter months. Ticks on dogs or cats can be cause for concern, but being prepared will make it easier to deal with these unwanted critters.

Getting a Tick Off of Your Dog or Cat

New to owning a pet? Talk to your Indiana veterinarian about tick prevention medications. The medication absorbs into your pet and is then transferred to any biting ticks, which then become dead ticks. Not only does this protect your pet, but it also protects your family as you’ll reduce the risk of the tick transferring from your dog onto a person.

Finding ticks on dogs can be disconcerting, and let’s be honest, a little gross! The best way to check for ticks is to run your hands through your dog’s fur against the direction it normally lays. This allows you to see down to the skin. Another tip? Keeping up to date on your dog grooming appointments will make it easier to find ticks on your dog too.

So, how do you go about getting a tick off your dog or cat? Keep reading. As ticks can carry disease, it’s important to check your pet regularly for ticks.

  • Clean the tool you are going to use with rubbing alcohol. While tweezers may work, there are many specific tick removal tools that help ensure you remove the whole tick intact.
  • Take hold of the tick as close to the dog’s skin as you can. You don’t want to detach the head of the tick from its body.
  • Slowly pull straight back using constant pressure. It can take a few minutes before the tick will release.
  • Once the tick is removed, disinfect the bite area as well as any tools you used.
  • Put the tick in rubbing alcohol to kill it.
  • If the tick was engorged, contact your veterinarian to determine if an appointment might be necessary.

No one wants to find a tick on their pet. However, the next time you do, you can now confidently say, “I found a tick on my dog, and I knew what to do.”

Dog Grooming for Tick Prevention

Smoochie Pooch has five convenient Indiana pet grooming locations ready to welcome your dog or cat. Trained in breed-specific grooming, we’ll work with you to ensure your pet is groomed exactly the way you want.

Regular grooming not only helps your pet look and feel great, but a well-groomed coat will make it easier to find ticks, fleas, and other unwanted parasites that can negatively affect your pet’s health. At Smoochie Pooch, we only want what’s best for your pet and will do all we can to help support their wellness. Contact us to learn more about our services or to make an appointment.