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Why We Urge Pet Owners to Dry Dogs Each Time They Get Wet

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It might seem like a minor detail, but thorough drying is crucial for preventing a range of issues that can affect your dog’s health and comfort. From skin problems and hypothermia to the unpleasant “wet dog” smell and matting of fur, ensuring your dog is dry can have significant benefits. In this blog, we will explore the importance of drying your dog, the risks of leaving them damp and practical tips for making the drying process effective and stress-free.

Drying Dogs to Prevent Skin Issues & Matting

Instead of letting dogs air dry naturally, we recommend drying dogs after getting wet or damp to help prevent a variety of skin issues that are caused or exacerbated by wet hair and skin.

Hot Spots and Bacterial Infections

Hot spots, also known as acute moist dermatitis, is a common skin problem in dogs that occurs when moisture is trapped close to the skin. These painful, red and inflamed areas can develop rapidly and are often exacerbated by a dog’s tendency to lick, bite or scratch the affected area. Bacterial infections frequently accompany hot spots, as the broken skin provides an entry point for bacteria. Drying your dog thoroughly after they get wet helps to prevent the formation of these hotspots by eliminating the dampness that fosters bacterial growth and skin irritation.

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Fungal Infections

Fungal infections are another common issue in dogs with damp coats. Ringworm, a highly contagious fungal infection, can be transmitted through spores that thrive in moist environments. Another concern is yeast infections, which can occur when the skin’s natural balance is disrupted by prolonged moisture. These infections can cause significant discomfort, leading to itching, redness and hair loss. Regularly drying your dog after exposure to water is a simple yet effective way to prevent fungal infections by maintaining a dry and inhospitable environment for these organisms.

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Preventing Matting and Tangling

Drying your dog thoroughly after they get wet is essential for preventing matting and tangling in their fur. When a dog’s coat remains damp, especially in breeds with longer or thicker hair, the moisture can cause individual hairs to clump together, forming mats. These mats can tighten as they dry, becoming more difficult to brush out and potentially leading to painful pulling on the skin. Regularly drying your dog helps to keep their coat smooth and free of tangles, making grooming easier and more comfortable for both you and your pet. Additionally, a well-maintained coat promotes better air circulation to the skin, reducing the risk of skin infections and ensuring your dog stays healthy and happy.

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Drying Dogs to Prevent Hypothermia

Understanding Hypothermia in Dogs

Hypothermia occurs when a dog’s body temperature drops below normal, often due to cold weather or getting wet. Symptoms include shivering, lethargy, weakness and, in severe cases, collapse or unconsciousness. It’s dangerous because it can slow a dog’s heart rate and breathing, potentially leading to organ failure. Small dogs, those with short hair, and elderly or young dogs are particularly at risk. Activities like swimming in cold water or being outside in wet, chilly conditions can increase this risk.

Be Cautious of Hypothermia Even in Warmer Months

Even if it’s warm outside, the water in late spring and early summer can still be cold, similar to winter temperatures. This can quickly lower your dog’s body temperature, increasing the risk of hypothermia. Always check the water temperature before letting your dog swim, and make sure to dry them thoroughly afterward to keep them safe and comfortable.

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Preventing the “Wet Dog” Smell in Your House

Drying your dog thoroughly after they get wet is essential for preventing the notorious “wet dog” smell from permeating your home. This distinctive odor is caused by microorganisms such as bacteria and yeast that thrive in the damp fur of a wet dog. As the fur dries, these microorganisms release compounds that produce the unpleasant smell. By ensuring your dog is properly dried after a bath, swim or walk in the rain, you can significantly reduce the moisture that allows these microorganisms to flourish.

Practical Tips for Drying Your Dog

Towel Drying Techniques

Choosing the Right Towels: When it comes to drying your dog, selecting the right towels is crucial. Opt for highly absorbent, large towels made from materials like microfiber, which can hold more water and dry faster than regular cotton towels. Having a few dedicated dog towels on hand can make the drying process more efficient and effective.

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Effective Towel-Drying Methods: To properly towel-dry your dog, start by gently squeezing out excess water from their coat. Then, use a patting motion rather than rubbing, as rubbing can cause tangling and matting, especially in long-haired breeds. Pay extra attention to areas that retain moisture, such as the belly, underarms and between the toes. For dogs with thicker coats, consider using multiple towels to ensure they are thoroughly dried.

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Using a Blow Dryer

Safe Blow Drying Practices: Blow drying can be a great way to ensure your dog is completely dry, but it’s important to use it safely. Always use a blow dryer specifically designed for pets, or set your regular dryer to a low heat setting to avoid overheating. Keep the dryer moving constantly and hold it at a safe distance from your dog’s skin to prevent burns. Be mindful of your dog’s comfort and take breaks if they seem stressed or anxious.

If your dog is uncomfortable with blowing air near their ears, a Happy Hoodie is the perfect solution. At Smoochie Pooch, we use this product and have noticed a significant improvement in how dogs respond to blow drying with it compared to without it.

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Benefits of Using a Blow Dryer: Using a blow dryer can significantly reduce the drying time, making it especially useful for dogs with thick or long coats. It can also help to fluff up the fur, making it easier to brush out tangles and mats. 

Specialized Drying Products

Overview of Drying Coats, Robes and Mats: Specialized drying products like drying coats, robes and mats can be highly effective in removing moisture from your dog’s coat. Drying coats and robes are designed to fit snugly around your dog’s body, absorbing moisture while keeping them warm and comfortable. Drying mats provide a surface for your dog to lie on, soaking up water from their fur.

Pros and Cons of Various Products: Drying coats and robes are handy for use right after baths or swims and are great for keeping your dog warm in colder months. However, they might not be ideal for dogs that dislike wearing clothing. Drying mats are simple to use and can be placed in your dog’s favorite spot, but they may take longer to dry your dog compared to towels or blow dryers. Consider your dog’s preferences and each product’s practicality to find the best drying solution.

Preventing Problems

Properly drying your dog after they get wet is important. It helps prevent skin issues, hypothermia and the “wet dog” smell, while also keeping their coat free from mats and tangles. Whether you opt for absorbent towels, a blow dryer or specialized drying products, taking the time to thoroughly dry your dog will contribute to preventing potential problems.

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