Blogs Cat Grooming

Ways to Remove Cat Urine

Has your cat urinated outside their litter box? Read this blog to learn effective cleaning methods for cat urine, why it’s important to clean as soon as possible, and potential reasons your cat chose not to use their cat box.

Why Does Cat Urine Smell so Potent?

Cat urine is highly concentrated and possesses a potent ammonia odor. The strong scent is the breakdown of urea in the urine. When the waste is left for a while, whether in a litter box, furniture or carpeting, the bacterial decomposition of the urea intensifies the odor. 

Unneutered male cats tend to have stronger-smelling pee because of the presence of specific pheromones and hormones. An aging cat’s kidney functions may also contribute to the foul-smelling urine. As felines get older their ability to effectively flush out toxins may become compromised due to a medical condition or being advanced in years. 

Steps to Remove Cat Urine from a Surface 

Fast Action and Blotting 

Swift action is crucial when cleaning up cat urine. The longer the feline’s pee lingers, the more challenging it is to eliminate. Locate where the cat went to the bathroom and begin to clean. Do not use hot water to remove any animal’s urine as the heat helps to set the smell. Instead, dab cold water on the area to lift both the scent and urine. 

For hard surfaces, use a clean cloth or paper towel to blot the area. For thicker surfaces like mattresses and cushions, let water soak into the material before blotting. The objective is to soak up as much urine as possible. Rinse the spot with water and use a wet/dry vacuum to remove the remaining liquid. Steer clear of steam cleaners as they may make the stain more permanent. Machine-washable items like comforters, curtains and pillows covers can be rinsed in cold water before being laundered with the appropriate cleaner. f

cold water for cleaning up cat pee, cat grooming near me

Clean the Area Multiple Times

Soaking and blotting the area one time is often not enough. The first clean aims at removing the majority of the cat urine while the second and even third cleaning session’s goal is to attack the smell. Hard surfaces do not retain the foul scent as strongly as mattresses, cushions and carpets. Check to see if the area is dry before each next cleaning attempt. 

cleaning an area multiple times, mobile cat grooming near me

Cat Urine Cleaners 

Enzyme cleaners are formulated with natural enzymes that specifically target the ammonia and bacteria in cat urine. These live bacteria eat the urine particles, helping to eliminate both stains and odors. First, soak the stain with water and dab up as much urine as possible. Then slowly pour the enzyme cleaner on and over the affected area. Let the formula stand for around 15 minutes before continuing to blot the surface. 

For a more natural approach, cold, soapy water can help lift the pee and odor from the affected area. When the space dries, sprinkle baking soda. The sodium bicarbonate absorbs any unpleasant lingering smells and can be vacuumed up after a few hours. 

enzyme cleaners, pet grooming near me

Ventilate the Room 

Create proper ventilation by opening windows and doors to let fresh air circulate throughout the room. Even after cleaning the stained area, lingering urine odors may be stuck in the air. A flow of fresh air helps to eliminate that scent from the space. Other options include lighting a candle, using a room spray or burning incense. All can contribute to replacing the unpleasant odor with a more favorable fragrance. 

open windows to air out room, pet bathing near me

Why Your Cat Pees Outside of the Litter Box 

Medical Problems 

Cats peeing outside of the litter box and more frequent urination may be signs of an underlying medical condition. The feline could be struggling with issues such as a UTI, a metabolic disease, bladder stones or feline lower urinary tract disease. Speak with your veterinarian about the signs you see your cat displaying and follow any treatment your vet prescribes. Once the cat begins to improve, the urinating in unwanted places will hopefully stop. 

cat at vet, groomers near me

Behavioral Issues 

Felines can sometimes spray or pee out of stress, frustration or because their litter box is dirty. Cats are creatures of habit, and they become easily stressed with change. Spend time with your cat playing or cuddling to reassure them that everything is alright and they have your love and attention. Create a happy home environment with toys, providing climbing opportunities and plenty of access to sunlight. Maintain a consistent schedule for cleaning your pet’s litter box so that it remains appealing to them. 

If a cat is persisting in their determination to mark their territory or pee outside of the litter box, consider laying aluminum foil down, covering a mattress with a plastic sheet or tarp, using a waterproof mattress cover or upside-down laundry basket over the unfavorable peeing spot. Another helpful trip is to place food or treats where you want to discourage urination since cats do not like to pee in the same space they eat.

Should You Discipline Your Cat? 

Discipling cats for undesirable potty behavior can lead to confusion and stress rather than learning. The bond between a human and their feline companion is delicate, and disciplinary actions may strain that relationship. Cats might become less trusting and avoidant. This may lead to even more inappropriate bathroom behavior like choosing secluded spots that are challenging for the owner to find and clean. Punishment can even trigger fear-related aggression. 

A more effective approach is to identify the underlying reasons for the cat peeing outside of the litter box. Addressing the issue with calmer methods, such as treatment or modification, can promote a healthier and stress-free environment for both the cat and the owner. 

To learn more about this topic read *here

Clean and Odor-Free Home from Cat Urine 

It’s helpful to understand the underlying causes and cleaning methods in order to manage and eliminate the strong smell of cat urine in your home. Swift and proper cleaning techniques combined with enzyme cleaners can help eliminate the stain and the odor from the urine spot. Proactively seeking veterinary advice and spending quality time with your cat can also be helpful in preventing this unpleasant action in the future. Incorporate these tips and steps to create a home that is not only clean but also free from the lingering odor of cat urine. 

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Tips for Maintaining Your Dog’s Skin and Coat

The most important steps you can take to care for your dog’s skin and coat involve consistent, routine bathing and brushing, but care for your pet’s fur and skin hygiene shouldn’t end there. We’ll go over how to tell the difference between a healthy and unhealthy skin and coat as well as suggestions for improving your pet’s health. We’ll explore grooming practices, protecting your pets outdoors, the role of fatty acids in skin health, and the importance of hydration. Take these helpful tips to ensure your canine companion not only looks their best but feels their best. 

Signs of Healthy and Unhealthy Dog Skin and Coat 

Healthy Signs 

A dog with a healthy coat feels soft to the touch and boasts a smooth texture when petted. The fur or hair exhibits vibrant and shiny colors, presenting a full and evenly distributed coat. There is no presence of dandruff or greasiness. The skin appears white and free from visible irritations. 

healthy dog skin and coat, dog grooming near me

Unhealthy Signs 

Signs that indicate a dog’s coat and skin require extra care include hair or fur that feels brittle and resembles straw. The coat appears dull and lacks its natural vibrancy, often displaying faded colors. Bald spots may be noticeable in various areas and some regions showing sparse hair growth. Excessive shedding occurs even outside of typical seasonal changes.

Flakes are evident throughout the fur or hair, signaling potential skin issues. The skin may be red with patches of irritation and scaliness. A dog with bad skin may itch, bite or lick to try to alleviate discomfort. Matting can be seen throughout the fur, either across the entire body or concentrated in specific areas. 

dandruff dog hair, pet grooming near me

Importance of Grooming in Dog Coat and Skin Health 

Routine Dog Bathing 

Bathing plays a vital role in maintaining your dog’s overall health by effectively removing dirt and odors from both the skin and coat. Without regular cleansing, the fur or hair can trap these elements against the skin, leading to undesirable outcomes such as inflammation, infections and damaged hair. Frequent baths not only promote healing but also distribute natural oils, ensuring moisturization for the skin and coat. 

In addition to cleanliness, regular bathing plays a crucial part in grooming by removing loose fur, preventing matting and enhancing blood circulation to the hair follicles. This contributes to a softer coat and reduces shedding. To determine the appropriate bathing frequency, consult with your groomer. At Smoochie Pooch, we recommend bathing every 6-8 weeks for short-haired dogs, 4-6 weeks for double-coated dogs and 2-4 weeks for those with curly long-haired coats. These timeframes ensure your furry friend receives the care they need. 

dog in the bath, dog nail trimming near me

Using the Right Dog Shampoo 

Consider your pet’s specific needs when selecting a shampoo. Take into account sensitivities, allergies or preferences for certain scents. It’s crucial to avoid using human shampoo on your dog, as the different pH levels can lead to skin irritations for the dog. Opt for a high-quality shampoo with natural ingredients and no artificial fragrances. 

For pets with challenging skin issues, pet salons like Smoochie Pooch offer various treatments. Schedule a complimentary consultation with one of our groomers to explore tailored options for spa therapy and treatments designed to address your pet’s individual skin conditions. 

Daily Brushing 

Incorporating a daily brushing routine for your dog not only promotes hair growth but also facilitates the even distribution of natural oils across the coat and skin. These essential oils play a key role in enhancing coat brightness and imparting a glossy sheen to the hair. Additionally, regular brushing effectively eliminates dead and loose hair, preventing the formation of future mats. This proactive approach not only minimizes shedding but also reduces the presence of hair throughout your home, preventing it from settling on clothes and furniture. 

Brushing a dog, mobile pet grooming near me

Protecting Dogs Outdoors

Protecting Dogs During the Winter 

In winter, the outdoor air tends to be less humid and indoor heating further contributes to dry conditions. Whether your dog is outside or indoors, the air can strip moisture from their skin. This leads to sensitivities, dryness and flakiness. Dry skin often results in itchiness, prompting dogs to scratch or bite the affected areas. To minimize the effects of winter dryness, maintain a regular grooming schedule, choose an extra moisturizing shampoo and turn on the humidifier. Provide your dog with a winter coat for added protection against the harsh outdoor weather conditions. 

During the dry and cold winter months, dog’s nose is also vulnerable to adverse effects. Given the sensitivity of this part of their body, it’s crucial to safeguard their sniffers. To shield their noses from potential harm, make it a daily practice to apply a nose balm. This routine not only provides moisture but also serves as a protective barrier, ensuring the well-being of your canine companion’s sensitive nose. 

To learn more about how to care for your dog’s coat and nose during winter read this blog and this blog

dog in the snow, pet salon near me

Sun Protection for Dogs

The sun emits blinding rays that pose a potential risk to unprotected dog skin. Prolonged exposure to sunlight without adequate protection can result in sunburn, leading to dryness of the skin and coat, and in more severe cases, an increased risk of skin cancer. To safeguard your furry friend during the warmer months, it’s essential to provide shade and consider using dog-friendly sunscreen on them. 

dog at the beach in the sun, groomers near me

Fleas & Tick Prevention

The presence of fleas and ticks can prompt dogs to scratch, lick and bite, resulting in potential hair loss and skin damage. Consistent flea and tick prevention is crucial year-round to safeguard your dog from the harmful effects of these parasites. Employ various preventative measures such as natural options, collars, topical medication or oral medications to protect against fleas and ticks. To learn more about this topic read this blog

How Fatty Acids Benefit Dog Skin

Omegas 6 and 3 

A dog’s healthy coat relies on essential fatty acids, particularly omega-6 and omega-3. These two are renowned for their pivotal role in maintaining skin health. These fatty acids bring with them anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, acting as a defense against external environmental factors like seasonal allergies. Beyond protection, fatty acids contribute to skin moisture, ensuring a balanced hydration level. Other notable benefits include the strengthening of the skin barrier, stimulating of hair growth and enhancing the softness and shine of a canine’s coat. 

High-quality dog food is a reliable source of these nutrients so there is no need to add extra omegas to a dog’s diet if their kibble already has the required amount. In cases of deficiency or the owner makes the food themselves, supplements are available for omega-6 and omega-3. 

Coconut Oil 

Coconut oil contains a number of fatty acids, like lauric acid, that are beneficial to the health of a dog’s skin and coat with it boasting of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Coconut oil can be applied topically on your canine’s skin or administered orally. When using it on the coat, exercise caution to avoid overapplication, as an excess may leave the dog looking greasy. Begin with a small amount, massaging it into the skin. 

For oral consumption, small dogs benefit from just ¼ teaspoon daily, while larger dogs can receive between one teaspoon and one tablespoon. Administer directly or incorporate it into treats and food, keeping a close eye on your dog’s weight to ensure that additional fatty acids are not contributing to excessive weight gain. Opting for organic, virgin, cold-pressed coconut oil is recommended for the best results in promoting your dog’s overall well-being. 

coconut oil and dogs, mobile cat grooming near me

Proper Water Intake 

Ample water intake is a fundamental element in maintaining a dog’s best coat and skin health. Hydration contributes to skin moisture, helps prevent dryness and promotes a lustrous coat. Water supports skin elasticity and resilience, warding off issues such as flakiness and irritation. 

Always provide your dog with constant access to fresh water in both the home and on outdoor adventures. 

Window into Their Well-Being 

Your dog’s coat is more than just a furry exterior – it’s a reflection of their inner well-being. By paying attention to the signs of a healthy or unhealthy coat and adopting proactive grooming practices, you can enhance your dog’s overall quality of life. Contribute to the vitality of their skin and coat with regular bathing and brushing, using the right shampoo, protecting them against the elements and giving them a balanced diet. 

Blogs Preventions

How to Introduce a New Pet to an Existing Pet

Adding a new furry friend into your family requires careful consideration and strategic planning when another dog already resides in the home. There are important steps that every dog owner needs to take to ensure a smooth introduction between the new pet and the resident canine. This blog outlines key steps and gives helpful tips for introducing new pets whether it’s a lively puppy joining an adult dog or bringing a new friend to a previously grieving canine. Through consistent observation, positive reinforcement and an adaptable mindset, you can help create a lasting bond between your pets. 

Meet in Neutral Territory 

When introducing a new pet to your established dog, we suggest they first meet in neutral territory. A good place is an outdoor park. This helps prevent the resident dog from exhibiting aggression. Canines can instinctively feel the need to protect their territory and home from a new and unfamiliar dog. 

Each dog should be walked separately on a leash. Stash high-quality treats in your pockets to reward good behavior or to distract. Begin at a distance where the dogs can see each other without feeling provoked. Keep rewarding positive behavior such as relaxed glances and calm attitudes from both dogs. Give treats and verbal praises as the two pets come closer together to encourage a relaxed atmosphere. 

dogs meeting in a park, neutral territory for new dog and current dog, dog grooming near me

Pay Attention to Body Language & Take a Slow Pace 

Pay close attention to each dog’s body language as they begin to interact in close proximities. Intervene calmly if defensive signs like raised fur or growling are being displayed by either canine. If observed, calmly redirect their focus and distance them. Let the dogs determine the pace and avoid forced interactions. Respect the comfort levels of each dog and only proceed if it is safe. 

After establishing that both canines are good at a close distance, assess their compatibility by observing how well they walk both behind and beside each other. If they demonstrate positive behavior, cautiously proceed with direct interaction. Maintain close supervision throughout the process and be ready to intervene if tensions between the two dogs begin to rise. 

Transitioning to a Home Environment 

Transitioning the introduction to the home environment involves using a sturdy baby gate. Keep dogs separate on either side of the safety gate. This arrangement makes it easier for the resident dog to get used to the presence of the new dog. Observe them as they interact on opposite sides of the gate and continue to reinforce positive behavior with treats and praises. Remove any potential triggers like toys, food, water bowls or chews that could lead to possessive conflicts between the two dogs. Closely monitor their time together. 

During the first few weeks, maintain a normal routine to minimize stress. Consider giving the resident dog their meals as usual and feeding the new dog in a separate room in order to avoid food-related conflicts. Keep an eye out for behaviors that display anxiety like growling or snapping. Gradually, they should learn to tolerate each other. If issues persist, seek guidance from a professional dog trainer or  animal behaviorist. 

Bringing a Puppy Home to an Adult Dog 

Older dogs may be more hesitant to accept a puppy as a new addition in the home. After the initial meeting in a neutral place and successfully walking by each other without any problems, the next step is to bring the puppy into the home without the older dog seeing you do this action. The older dog may get territorial if it sees the new puppy walk into what they see as only their house. However, if the adult canine walks in and already sees the puppy present in the home, then they are much less likely to become aggressive. Keep the baby gate up as they get used to each other’s presence in the same space. 

Monitor their interactions closely, as puppies may not be able to grasp the older dog’s social cues. Be proactive in correcting the puppy’s behavior to send a positive message to the older dog that bad manners from the puppy are not going to be tolerated. 

While the excitement of a new puppy is undeniable, it’s important to not neglect the emotional needs of the adult dog. Spending quality time alone with the older canine helps encourage feelings of love and prevents potential jealousy issues. 

puppy and adult dog meeting, pet grooming near me

Introducing a New Pet to a Grieving Dog

The timing of getting a new canine companion for a grieving dog depends on the individual animal. Some dogs do very well with being introduced to a new furry sibling quickly after the passing of the old one, but others may need time and space to experience their grief. Gauge your dog’s comfort level by observing their interactions in a dog park or during a doggie playdate. If they seem happier when around another canine, then you know they are ready to have another dog in the home. 

When actively seeking a new pet, involve your resident dog in the selection process. If a shelter allows, bring your dog along and observe their reactions to the canines they pass. Another option is to set up a meeting between the two dogs. The introductions can take place in the building of the shelter, rescue or reputable breeder. It can also happen in a nearby park.  

Introducing Dogs of the Same Sex 

Opposite-sex dogs tend to coexist more harmoniously in the same household than those of the same sex. Two females or two males may engage in more aggressive fights as they strive for dominance. Jealousy also adds to the tension. 

The success of the standard introduction steps between dogs of the same-sex depends heavily on their individual temperaments. If both exhibit more submissive personalities than overly dominant ones, they may be more compatible. Having a sibling or parent/child connection can contribute to a more peaceful living arrangement. 

two female dogs living in same home, dog nail trimming near me

Pets Not Previously Accustomed to Other Animal Companions

A canine accustomed to solo living may need a more patient and though out approach to the introduction of a new pet. Acknowledge and respect the established routine and personal space of your dog and allow them time to get used to the new animal’s presence. Patience is crucial in these situations, as the adjustment period may be more extended compared to a dog accustomed to constant companionship. 

Watch their interactions. Once your dog shows signs of acceptance, gradually encourage shared activities with the newer pet. Prioritizing the comfort of the dog less accustomed to socialization helps the introduction process become a smoother and more positive experience for both dogs. 

Lifelong Canine Companionship 

The success of an introduction between two dogs hinges on patience, observation and commitment to positive reinforcement. Initial neutral encounters and controlled home interactions work best when the process goes at a gradual pace.  Prioritizing the comfort of both pets puts them on the path for a joyous and and long lasting companionship.  

To learn more on how to find the right new pet for your family read this blog here

lifelong companionship of dogs, pet salon near me
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Stocking Stuffers for Cats and Dogs

The holidays are here and now is the time to start searching for the perfect stocking stuffers to give to your beloved cat or dog. From engaging toys to delectable treats and stylish accessories, this blog lists great ideas to inspire your Christmas pet shopping. Read on to discover how you can make this holiday special for your cherished pets. 

happy dog with Christmas stocking, dog grooming near me

Selecting a Pet Stocking 

Guarantee that your beloved pet is not left out of the festivities this Christmas by getting an adorable stocking just for them. Select a stocking that relates to the overall theme embraced by the family or opt for a more personalized approach. Choose a paw print, a stocking featuring your pet’s specific breed or go the extra mile by having your pet’s name embroidered on the stocking. 

Numerous options are available whether you’re shopping local brick and mortar stores, artisan shops or large retail stores, both in store and online. All offer a plethora of different styles that can help make this season special for you and your pet. 

paw print holiday pet stocking, pet grooming near me

Toys for Cats and Dogs 


A lively game of fetch with your dog not only serves as a fantastic way of exercising but also strengthens the bond between you and your beloved canine. Balls are an excellent choice of stocking stuffers for athletic, energetic and outdoorsy dogs.

While tennis balls may be a popular choice, they are not considered the best for dogs. The reason being that a tennis ball’s furry cover is not easily digestible. Instead, opt for a durable long-lasting rubber ball that can withstand a dog’s strong teeth. These types of balls have the added benefits of bouncing, floating and being lightweight. Explore other options, such as balls designed to promote healthy air flow to a dog’s lungs during fetch, soft fabric ones for indoor play and larger sizes tailored for canines who love to play soccer. 


Puzzles serve as excellent toys to engage both cats and dogs to promote mental stimulation. These brain toys come in varying difficulty levels, ranging from beginner to expert. Many of them involve placing food or treats inside. The challenge for the pet is to figure out how to retrieve the goodies. Other options encourage pets to utilize their sense of smell, such as snuffle mats, where pets locate treats or food hidden within fabric strands. Hide-and-seek puzzles feature plush toys concealed within a larger plush container, prompting the animal to seek and extract them. 

Squeaky Toys 

Squeaky toys, despite their potential for creating an annoying racket, are excellent stocking stuffers for pets. Their appeal lies in their ability to tap into the natural prey drive of cats and dogs, as the squeaky sound mimics that of a frightened or injured animal. This triggers their instinct to hunt.

Sound-inducing toys are great for pets to play with on their own. They are also great for pets and their owners to play together during some quality one-on-one time. Squeaky toys are available in different sizes, shapes, colors, volume levels and pitches. Selecting one that gets the most reaction from your pet adds an extra layer of fun to their playtime. 

squeaky toys for pets, dog nail trimming near me

Treats for Cats and Dogs 

Crunchy treats

Flavored biscuits and crunchy treats are often marketed as cookies or shaped like dog bones. These types of treats are a fantastic choices for both cats and dogs. The crunchy treats help support dental health by reducing tartar buildup and preventing plaque formation. Smoochie Pooch has a wonderful selection of crunchy treats, both in bagged form and baked goods. To learn how to make your own crunchy treats read this blog for homemade treat recipes.

crunchy treats for cats and dogs, cat grooming near me

Soft treats 

Soft treats are typically smaller in size and easier to chew. They are ideal for older pets and those with teeth issues or sensitive mouths. They are particularly advantageous for training purposes, making these treats excellent gifts for puppies and kittens. The smaller size is safer for small pets since they’re easy to break apart and at a lower risk of causing the pet to choke.

soft treats for dogs, pet salon near me

Freeze-dried and Jerky Treats 

These treats provide a rich source of pure protein and are available in a variety of meat flavors like liver, poultry, pork, beef, lamb and seafood. They’re not only flavorful but also wonderful for pet training. 

However, caution is advised for cats. Felines may struggle with the high salt content commonly found in jerky treats. It’s essential to double-check the meat source when purchasing these treats. Look for reputable US-based providers for added safety and quality assurance. 

Chews for Cats and Dogs 

Bully sticks 

Bully sticks are easy to digest and are deemed safe and healthy for dogs. These chews can play a key role in enhancing a dog’s dental health. They offer a durable chewing option that keeps the canine occupied for an extended period of time. With a range of sizes available, selecting a bully stick that fits with your dog’s chewing habits is easy. 

Be prepared that these chews emit a distinct odor. They can also present a challenge for cats, as felines may struggle with digestion.

bully sticks for dogs

NoHide® Chews 

NoHide® chews stand out as a superior option for pets compared to rawhide. These chews are crafted without the use of harsh chemicals. They offer a nutritious, highly digestible and entirely healthy alternative. Select from a variety of flavors and sizes. They are a wonderful choice for both cats and dogs. 

Stick Chews 

Thin, short chew sticks serve as an ideal stocking stuffer for small dogs, cats, puppies and kittens. Their slender and short design means they won’t overwhelm delicate mouths or stomachs. These chew sticks come in diverse protein options like chicken and beef. It’s important to exercise caution with larger pets or those prone to aggressive chewing, as these may not be the most suitable option for them. 

Quick tip: Buy treats and chews last minute to guarantee freshness. Once you fill the stocking with goodies, keep out of reach from pets to prevent them from opening their presents too early. 

cat with stick chews

Pet Paw Balm 

Pet palm balm emerges as a winter essential for both cats and dogs and is a practical gift to slip into your pet’s stocking. The cold air prevalent during this season contributes to dry indoor conditions. The result is often a high potential of  cracked noses and paws. For dogs who take walks, the pet palm balm can act as a barrier against the potential damages of snow, ice and salt on their feet. Regular application keeps pets’ delicate paws and noses moisturized and guarded during the colder months. 

Festive Accessories 

Spread holiday cheer to your furry friends by gifting them festive attire in their stockings. Gift ideas can include a whimsical bow, dapper collar, holiday bandana or an adorable bowtie. These accessories not only make your pet look cute and stylish but also add to the joyous atmosphere of the holidays. Your cat or dog can proudly wear their new fits throughout the holidays and can be saved for uses in the years to come. 

Giving Christmas Joy in a Stocking 

This holiday, show your pets some extra love with toys that spark joy, chews that delight their taste buds and fun  accessories that add to their festive look. Thoughtful stocking stuffers that reflect your cat or dog’s preferences guarantees your pets are a big part of the holiday fun. Make this magical season special for all members of the family, including the ones with whiskers and tails. 

For more stocking stuffers ideas, click here

dog with their Christmas stocking
Blogs Cat Grooming Dog Grooming pet grooming Shelter Dogs

Choosing the Right Pet for Your Family

Welcoming a new pet into your family is exciting! Some pets may be better suited for your family than others, however. This blog guides you through the important aspects of pet selection so you can feel confident you’re selecting the perfect addition to your household.

Researching Breeds 

Finding the perfect addition to your family involves a thoughtful exploration of various dog and cat breeds. Each breed brings its own set of characteristics, personality traits, energy levels and grooming needs to the table. 

For example, playful Labrador retrievers thrive on human interaction, have high energy and have low-maintenance grooming needs. Conversely, the dignified Shiba Inu is not great with kids, is more independent and needs daily brushing to prevent matting. 

Cats are known for their independent nature, but different breeds exhibit varying levels of sociability. The outgoing and affectionate Maine Coon is often dubbed the “gentle giant”, while the more reserved and introverted Persian cat may prefer a quieter, more relaxed environment. 

It is crucial to find a pet whose temperament and lifestyle needs align with yours. Conduct thorough research on different breeds and engage in conversations with current pet owners or professionals in the field. Gathering as much knowledge as possible can empower you to make an informed decision when selecting an ideal cat or dog breed for you and your family. 

researching dog breeds, researching cat breeds, dog grooming near me

Size of Breed 

Consider your living space and outdoor area carefully when considering a new pet. Compact apartments may suit smaller breeds, like chihuahuas, while spacious homes are better suited to accommodate larger companions like Australian shepherds. 

Understanding how a pet’s size impacts your lifestyle is important. Smaller breeds may require less exercise and fit well into a busier scheduler, while larger breeds do better with space for play. 

different sized pet breeds, what sized pet should I get, pet grooming near me

Allergies & Sensitivities 

Before welcoming a new furry friend, an essential first step is taking into consideration the allergies or sensitivities within your household. Consult your doctor to undergo an allergy skin test which could provide valuable insight into potential reactions to pet dander. The results help to determine whether allergies are specific to certain dog breeds or extend to felines. 

Shedding, a key factor in allergic reactions, may influence what dog breed you want. Consider exploring breeds with less shedding, such as the poodle or bichon frise, for those aiming to minimize allergic triggers. 

Fun fact: Unlike dogs, where allergens can vary between breeds, cats predominantly share a common culprit: Fel d 1, the major allergen responsible for nearly all cat allergies.

Hypoallergenic Pets

Although you may experience fewer allergic symptoms around some pets than others, studies suggest there are no pets that are truly hypoallergenic. Read this article by the American Kennel Club for further exploration on this topic.

poodle, hypoallergenic pets, mobile pet grooming near me

Training Requirements 

Another topic to consider is your ability to teach and train your pet, along with the willingness of the pet to learn. Equally important is understanding the distinctive training needs inherent in each breed. Not all dogs respond to training in the same way, and comprehending the specific requirements of your chosen breed is essential. Breeds like border collies thrive on mental stimulation and tasks, while others, like the bulldog, have a more stubborn streak and may respond more effectively with a relaxed approach. 

Older or Younger 

Opting for an older animal offers the perks of an established personality, potential prior training and a calm demeanor. Middle-aged and older pets may be perfect for first time pet owners, families with infants or toddlers and ones with busy older kids. However, be mindful of potential health concerns and a possible adjustment period for getting used to a new home and new family. 

On the flip side, choosing a younger pet means boundless energy, no training and a developing personality. The longer potential companionship and moldable behavior can be enticing, but it comes with a commitment of the time and effort for training and play. Be prepared for a potential phase of destructive behavior as puppies and kittens explore the world around them. Younger pets are great for experienced pet owners and families with active kids. 

kitten/puppies or adult pet, dog nail trimming near me

Adoption vs. Breeders 

The choice between adopting/rescuing a pet and purchasing from a breeder involves distinct considerations. Adoption from shelters not only provides a loving home for a pet in need but also promotes the responsible and compassionate treatment of animals. On the other hand, choosing a reputable breeder allows for more predictability in terms of pet’s breed(s) and lineage. While both options have their benefits, the decision ultimately comes down to preferences. To learn why choosing a reputable breeder is important read here

Integrating a New Pet into the Family Dynamic 

Introducing a New Pet to Children 

The introduction of a new pet into a household with children begins by involving the entire family in the decision-making process. Discuss responsibilities, roles and expectations for everyone. Gradual introductions are key, allowing both children and the new pet to familiarize themselves with one another. Show children how to have gentle interactions and emphasize the importance of respect and kindness. Read this blog to learn more about keeping kids safe around pets.

introducing pets to kids, cat grooming near me

Introducing a New Pet to Other Pets in a Household 

Begin by allowing the animals to first become acquainted with each other’s scent before progressing to in-person introductions. Neutral territory can help alleviate territorial tensions, so it may be a good idea to choose a more relaxing environment like a park. Observe body language closely and intervene if necessary to prevent any conflicts. Gradual interactions, positive reinforcement and shared activities can help forge a bond between pets. Patience is key as they adjust to each other’s presence. Click here for a step-by-step guide to follow.

The Importance of Picking the Right Pet for Your Family 

As you dive into the variables of a pet to find the perfect companion, remember that the decision extends beyond breed preferences. It encompasses considerations like allergies, training needs and the age dynamic within your family. Whether you opt for a playful breed or a more introverted one, the commitment to responsible pet ownership remains constant. By approaching each stage thoughtfully – from initial research to integration – you pave the way for lasting bonds and joyful moments with your new furry family members. 

Blogs Preventions

Dogs and Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety in dogs is a distressing condition that plagues canines when they find themselves left alone. While experts cannot pinpoint the exact causes, certain situations and life transitions can intensify this anxiety. Recognizing the signs is important for a proactive approach, as dogs may exhibit behaviors like pacing, destructive acts, excessive barking and even escape attempts. 

This blog delves into the symptoms of separation anxiety in dogs and explores effective strategies like desensitization, counterconditioning, increased exercise, crate training and medications. Help your canine friend cope with your absence in a healthier and safer way. 

Why do Dogs Develop Separation Anxiety? 

For dogs, separation anxiety is a genuine source of stress triggered when their owner is out of sight or away from home. While the exact causes are not fully understood, some dogs are inherently more prone to experiencing this distress disorder than others. 

Certain situations can intensify or contribute to the development of separation anxiety in dogs. For instance, major life transitions such as moving homes or being adopted after a stint in a shelter may heighten these feelings. Changes in routine which result in leaving the pet alone more frequently, like a family member returning to work or school, for example, can also play a role. Moreover, traumatic events such as being abandoned at a shelter, enduring solitude in a boarding kennel or facing abuse and neglect can greatly contribute to the development of separation anxiety in dogs. 

Signs Your Dog Has Separation Anxiety 

Pacing, Whining and Trembling 

As a dog owner prepares to leave, their canine may pick up the subtle cues that they will soon be left alone. The mere sight of their human grabbing the keys, putting on a jacket or slipping on shoes can cause a dog to experience pre-departure anxiety. Anticipating the alone time, the dog may walk around in circles, pace back and forth, whine or tremble. These symptoms commonly continue for the duration of the time the owner is gone. 

Barking or Howling 

A canine with separation anxiety may loudly bark or howl for an extended period of time when they find themselves alone. These vocal outbursts are a primal expression of how dogs communicate long-distance. When the leader of the pack, or dog owner, is out of sight, the canine attempts to reconnect through barking or howling hoping to hear a response. 

why does my dog howl, why does my dog bark, dog grooming near me

Destructive Acts 

Destructive behavior is the result of a dog’s intense emotional turmoil at being left alone. One particularly common outlet for their distress is directed at doors: gateways that stand as physical barriers between them and their beloved owner. Their frustration is shown through their biting and clawing as an attempt to get past the separating door. 

Other destructive acts include gnawing on furniture, digging or scratching at windows or walls. These actions are releases of nervous energy, attempts to escape or ways to comfort themselves. 

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Potty Accidents 

Indoor accidents are a sign of distress. When experiencing intense separation anxiety, the emotional upheaval becomes so overwhelming a dog may lose control of their bodily functions. Even a dog expertly trained under normal circumstances can succumb to the involuntary release of waste when confronted with the profound anxiety triggered by solitude. 

Escape Attempts 

Escaping for a dog is a desperate attempt at reuniting with their owner. Driven by the need for connection, the devoted canine may resort to extreme measures, risking self-harm in the process. Dogs may contort themselves to squeeze through open areas or employ biting and clawing to breach doors. They may even try to break through windows. 

Salivating, Drooling and Panting 

When left alone, dogs experiencing separation anxiety enter a state of heightened distress. Physiological reactions like salivating, drooling and panting may result as indicators of both exhaustion and fear. The involuntary release of saliva and the increased panting can be the first expressions of their emotional turmoil or be the aftereffects of other signs such as constant pacing or destructive chewing. 

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Ensure that it’s Separation Anxiety 

Boredom and insufficient training can lead to behavioral problems that exhibit similar traits as separation anxiety. To tell the difference, it may be a good idea to purchase a pet camera with audio to observe your dog when they are alone. Separation anxiety symptoms appear immediately or within the first five minutes of the owner leaving. The signs are also much more intense than when they are a result of boredom or insufficient training. 

How to Help Your Dog Cope with Their Separation Anxiety 

Desensitization and counterconditioning 

Desensitization and counterconditioning are effective behavior modification techniques for addressing pet separation anxiety. Desensitization involves gradual exposure to fear-inducing stimuli, while counterconditioning pairs negative emotional triggers with positive experiences. It’s crucial to proceed at the dog’s own pace and avoid triggering fear during training. Seek guidance from a dog training professional or board-certified veterinary behaviorist for the best results. 

For dogs with pre-departure anxiety, start by teaching the pet that gathering items or possessions doesn’t always signal that someone is leaving. Gradually increase alone time, beginning with short durations and using rewards like food-filled toys for positive association. Maintain a calm environment, exercise patience and understand that achieving comfort with solitude may take weeks. Consistent, gentle training helps your dog become more at ease when left alone. 

For more in depth information on this type of training read here


Exercise is a great way to get a canine’s nervous energy out. Devoting consistent, quality time to your dog through playing and walking can help them with their overall well-being and enter a better place mentally for alone time. Elevate your dog’s exercise routine by extending the duration or diversifying activities. Engage their body and mind by playing fetch, creating a scavenger hunt or simply changing the direction of the normal daily walk. 

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Crate Training 

A crate can serve as a haven for your dog, but effectively introducing it requires a thoughtful approach. Start by selecting a suitable crate with enough space for easy movement, and incorporate soft bedding and items with your scent for comfort. Opt for a secure steel crate, providing both ventilation and limited visibility to reduce stress triggers. 

Introduce the crate gradually, allowing the dog to explore freely before progressing to a short period with the door ajar. Build up to longer durations, eventually closing the door. To make crate time enjoyable, offer mentally stimulating toys like a Kong filled with peanut butter. 

Crating may not suit every dog, however. Respecting their individual needs and pace is paramount. Understanding and implementing these crate training steps can create a positive association, transforming the crate into a reassuring space for your furry companion. 

Medication and Holistic Supplements

For separation anxiety in dogs, over-the-counter medications may provide relief. If this is something you’re interested in exploring, consult with your veterinarian for guidance on the right type, dosage and education on the potential side effects. 

Consider natural options like CBD oil, available in pure oil or treat forms. CBD is known for its calming properties. However, always prioritize a veterinarian’s input to ensure the well-being and safety of your furry friend. Read this blog for more info on CBD

CBD oil, CBD treats, CBD for dogs, pet salon near me

Conquering Your Dog’s Separation Anxiety 

Addressing a dog’s separation anxiety requires patience, understanding and a well-thought-out approach. By identifying the signs, dog owners can employ various strategies to alleviate their canine’s distress. From gradual desensitization and counterconditioning to incorporating exercise and crate training, each method plays a crucial role in helping dogs build a positive association with solitude. 

Consulting with dog-training professionals and considering medications or holistic supplements under veterinary guidance can also contribute to a dog conquering their disorder. In the journey to ease separation anxiety, a compassionate and committed approach does not only benefit the dog’s well-being but also strengthens the bond between the dog and their owner. 

Blogs Cat Grooming Preventions

Leaving Your Cat Home While on Vacation

Going on a vacation or business trip can be exciting, but for cat owners, the thought of leaving their beloved cat behind can also evoke concerns about their well-being. This blog goes over important proactive steps to take that can help ensure your cat’s happiness and safety. From hiring a cat sitter and cleaning your home to managing the litter box and providing entertainment, these insights aim to empower cat owners with the knowledge needed to create a worry-free environment for their feline friends. 

Hiring a Cat Sitter 

Cats are often celebrated for their independent nature, but it’s a misconception to believe they don’t require any care or attention. Veterinarians recommend a cautious approach to leaving a cat entirely alone, suggesting that a period beyond 24 hours requires at least a daily visit for interaction and oversight. 

Felines who experience separation anxiety may benefit from a consistent cat sitter staying in the home as the person can provide comfort and companionship in addition to ensuring they’re fed, safe, and have a clean litter box. Other perks to enlisting a cat sitter include the ability to have someone watch over your house or apartment, water your plants and retrieve your mail and packages. Cat owners should read this blog to learn more about our recommendations for finding cat sitters.

Clean Up the House 

Before you embark on your vacation, it’s crucial to ensure your feline friend is safe and sound at home. Conduct a thorough visual sweep of your living space, prioritizing the removal of potential hazards that could pose risks to your curious cat. 

Among the top culprits are chemical substances like chemical wipes, air fresheners and insecticides, which should be stored away. Keep a watchful eye on the kitchen counters, ensuring food such as chocolate, onions and raisins are stashed behind closed doors to prevent accidental ingestion. Take extra precautions by tucking away medications, supplements, string, yarn, dental floss, loose change, sharp objects and plastic bags. Electrical cords should be covered or hidden to block the cat from chewing or getting electrocuted. 

Vacuum carpets to eliminate hidden dangers. Clean out the trash and promptly take it out. It is a good idea to safeguard your house by stowing breakable items like ornaments out of reach to avert potential accidents in the cat owner’s absence. 

Don’t overlook the greenery; remove any toxic or poisonous plants that may cause stomach discomfort if nibbled upon. Prioritize these safety measures to ensure your cat’s well-being while you enjoy a worry-free vacation. 

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Provide Access to Plenty of Food and Water 

Cats can exhibit unique eating and drinking behavior that demand being taken into consideration if their owner is embarking on a trip. For the laid-back, grazer feline who doesn’t play in their water, strategically placing multiple bowls filled with food and water throughout the house can provide consistent opportunities to nibble and hydrate at their leisure. 

A feline who is prone to overindulgence or playful water antics may require the cat owner to investment in a water and food dispenser. These devices effectively regulate access, preventing excess and mess. Entrusting a cat sitter with explicit feeding and watering instruction may be a wise move, particularly for cats on special diets or specific feeding schedules.  

leaving out plenty of water and food for cat, mobile cat grooming near me

Leave Toys and Entertainment for Cats 

When you, the cat owner,  are away from home, ensure your feline companion stays entertained and mentally engaged. Opt for interactive toys tailored for unsupervised play. Cats can succumb to boredom and mischief when left alone. 

Seek out toys that captivate their attention and provide mental stimulation, such as puzzles that challenge their cognitive abilities. Robotic mice toys and hide-and-seek peekaboo cat toys, designed to trigger a cat’s innate prey drive, offer both engagement and exercise. A cat sitter checking in regularly can add to the fun by creating a feline scavenger hunt with hidden treats throughout the house. 

Keeping Doors Open or Closed 

Avoid the worry of your cat accidently finding themselves trapped in a room or closet by taking simple preventable measures. Double-check that doors to spaces you’d prefer your cat stay clear of are securely closed before you leave for your vacation. If a door is intended to remain open, invest in a robust, immovable door stopper that can withstand the playful antics of your cat. Choosing a heavyweight door stopper ensures that even if a curious cat decides to investigate, the door stays firmly ajar. 

keeping doors open or shut for cats, pet salon near me

Litter Box 

Tidying up the litter box before you depart helps to ensure not only your cat’s happiness but also maintains a hygienic and comfortable environment. To keep the litter box in the best condition while away, provide clear instructions for the cat sitter on how to clean it and at what frequency. 

Another way of keeping a clean litter box is by investing in a smart litter box. These offer an automated cleaning process, eliminating the need for manual scooping. The cutting-edge devices are equipped with sensors and mechanisms that detect when a cat has used the litter box and promptly initiates the cleaning process without the need for human involvement. 

Update Tags and Microchips 

Guarding against the potential escapades of a bored or anxious cat is crucial to their safety and your peace of mind. Even the most well-meaning cat sitter can accidentally leave a door slightly ajar, creating an opportunity for your cat to make a dash for the outside world. 

Updating your feline’s tags and microchip can help lower the risk of the cat being lost forever. Tags with updated information and properly registered microchips serve as invaluable tools, providing essential contact details to anyone who may come across your lost pet. To learn more about the importance of updated tags and microchips cat owners should read here

cat microchip, cat tags

Set Up a Camera 

Setting up a camera can provide cat owners with a sense of connection and assurance. A pet camera can offer the practical advantage of the owner having the ability to notify a cat sitter promptly if any mishap occurs, such as an overturned object or breakage. It also provides a heartfelt perk for cat parents – the ability to catch a glimpse of their cat whenever they miss their feline companion. 

Peace of Mind for Cat and Cat Owner 

As you prepare to leave on your journey, you can be rest assured your cat will be well cared for and content in your absence with these proactive steps. By implementing measures like hiring a cat sitter, cleaning your home, providing enough food and water and investing in smart solutions like cameras and technologically advanced litter boxes, your cat’s health and happiness is safeguarded. When your cat’s well-being is in a safe environment and capable hands, this allows you to be able to enjoy your time away with confidence that your cat is thriving. 

Blogs Preventions

2023 Mysterious Dog Virus

The safety of the pets in our care always has been and will continue to be our number one priority. 

We are aware that there is a media frenzy around the “mysterious dog virus”. We urge you not to be alarmed. We have been in contact with local veterinarians about this “mysterious” illness, and the response we received from each was that there is no need to be alarmed.

None of the vets we spoke with said they have seen any dogs symptomatic of the virus, and they assured us that the vast majority of pets will improve in a matter of days, just like they would from Canine Influenza. The chances your pet will contract or have severe complications from this new disease are rare, and it seems to only temporarily inconvenience otherwise healthy pets.

What Smoochie Pooch is Doing to Keep Your Pet Safe

  • We minimize the number of pets in the salon at any given time and encourage pet owners to pick up as soon as possible.
  • Every surface is disinfected with Kennelsol after each use. This kills everything from kennel cough, Covid-19 and other viruses.
  • Pets do not come in contact with each other while at the salon.

How Pet Owners Can Keep Their Pets Safe

  • Keep your pets current on their vaccinations. 
  • Take your pet for walks outside rather than in a store or dog park where other animals could be unknowingly infected.
  • While most boarding facilities do their best to minimize exposure and disinfect, it is an airborne illness. If a dog has not presented symptoms, it could contaminate others. Minimize trips to boarding facilities if possible.
  • It is safe to continue visiting veterinary offices and grooming salons so long as they have proper disinfecting policies in place.
  • Seek veterinary help if your pet shows unusual symptoms of a respiratory illness.

We take every precaution possible to ensure the safety of your pets. It is extremely important to remember that your pet could get this illness anywhere, as it is an airborne disease. It is also in your pet’s best interest to continue their regular routine grooming needs as that will ensure your pet stays happy and healthy. 

Important Things to Remember about Canine Influenza

This dog flu has been around for more than 40 years. Similarly to humans, this time of year tends to be a more vulnerable time for our fur babies to get sick. Symptoms may include a cough, eye or nasal discharge, lethargy, fever, reduced appetite and a higher respiratory rate.

  • Viruses can sometimes be deadly. However, in an otherwise healthy animal, Canine Influenza is just like a cold for us. They may feel under the weather for a few days, but they will feel better in no time. 
  • An animal could be infected and not show any signs or symptoms.
  • Canine Influenza is an airborne illness that can be transmitted easily.
  • This virus does not spread to cats or humans.

Additional Resources

To learn more about Canine Influenza, please visit the following sources:

Key Facts about Canine Influenza (Dog Flu)Center for Disease Control

Canine InfluenzaAmerican Veterinary Medical Association